A Chuck Norris roundhouse kick in the face!
That's just what the doctor ordered for this country! Turn it up...

Learn more about Chuck Norris here...
Obviously we have a lot of craziness going on in the country right now: Junky media coverage on candidates and a presidential election, bad economy, corruption, etc., etc. Enough about the bad things of this country, what about the good?
Well how about this, it has allowed a couple from Oregon to drive all around the country for eight months in their converted school bus rv without paying anything for fuel. (That is because this bus had been converted to run on Waste Vegetable Oil.) Then, when they were ready to get rid of the bus and trim down on their incredible journey, they were able to put up a simple free ad on Craigslist in Atlanta, Georgia using a free wireless Internet connection. Best of all... sell it to a Mann who was very very happy to take up where they left off, write a free blog about it, and send it out to the masses for free! (See pics below of Oregon couple & me)

As of now, I have officially lived in my bus in the back yard of a friend's house in Dunwoody, an area north of the perimeter of Atlanta, Georgia, for over a month and a half, and I'm loving every minute of it. I purchased the bus in July, I believe, and moved out of where I was living in Norcross at the end of August.

My roommate Marcus, David, me, and a co-worker friend, Zach

Lindsey, Gary, and I
During the time since my last blog to you a world of things have happened. I have had visits from my best Ohio next door neighbor, David Snow and my Irish friend, Gary Kilduff, who flew all the way out here from Dublin to see me. (Little did he know he would be sleeping in a bus! Thank God Amanda Deghenhardt, whose lot I am parked on, let him sleep inside for the time he was here.) I have also been working towards selling my first home on wheels and purchasing my first stationary home.
By the way, If anybody would like to purchase the famous, the one and only van that runs on advertisement income and has it's own website, the Crazy Train, Anna Supernova, FeedtheVan.com masterpiece for the low low price of only $3000 it is all yours to continue the amazing adventure in. She is guaranteed to please and comes complete with a toilet, sink, propane fridge & stovetop, bed, microwave, power outlets, grey & black water holding tanks, shag carpeted ceiling and much much more! Go to: FeedtheVan.com to see it and read all about it!
Okay, back to the story: So I am looking to purchase a home here in Atlanta. One that I plan on renting out, parking my bus on the lot, and living out of the bus. I have only a little bit of my college loan to pay off and I am completely debt free (minus what the house will cost!)
You all might be wondering just how this bus runs on WVO and how I get it for free, what it looks like on the inside, etc. Well, let me tell you, it's all awesome! I'll try and put up as many pics and videos as I can over the next few weeks. I have taken the bus all the way to Ohio without even filling up the entire way, then I drove it all around Columbus, including the Neil Diamond Concert with my Mom, David, and Lindsey (see pic below) until I finally had to fill it up 75 gallons at a local fast food restaurant (we won't say where), and that took the bus all the way back to Atlanta without another fill-up. I also drove it to Charlotte once without filling up the entire trip. The bus has two tanks, the diesel tank (50 gallons) and the veggie tank (110 gallons) plus reserve containers (50 gallons.) I start the bus cold on diesel, let it warm up a bit, then flip a couple of veggie therm switches to begin heating the veggie, open the hood and close/open a couple of valves and I am now running on Waste Vegetable Oil(a 2 minute process!) The only thing I have to pay for are WVO filters that cost about $10 bucks each and need to be replaced about every 500 miles.

Mom, David, & me in the Bus

Hanging out in the bus before the concert

You guessed it, Neil Diamond himself!
So this was how I dealt with the gas crisis and went a little greener. Other ways I have gone green are by using the following two products.
The first is Ethos, a fuel/oil additive that works to clean old engines and make them run like new again, improving gas mileage to its fullest and prolonging the life of your engine. I found the product online and decided to give it a try back in May or June. I have been using it the way the directions say ever since then in my Bimmer (which currently has 241000 miles) and have experienced a dramatic increase in gas mileage (15%) and power. It has ended up saving me a net $30 in gasoline per bottle. A 16 oz bottle costs about $30 and lasts for 160 gallons of fuel. It keeps new engines new and restores old engines. I have even started putting this stuff in my van and bus. (Due to lack of driving these vehicles I haven't been able to really improve their current state.) I like the stuff so much that I am now an authorized seller of it. So if you want a bottle, send me $33 bucks to cover the cost and shipping and I'll send you one!
If you found the first product slightly hard to believe, you may find the second a little harder. Another product I found online, the second product is Laundry Magnets. Basically it is two rubber coated, very powerful magnets that you put on opposite ends inside your washing machine. These magnets change the properties of water much like what detergents do in order to clean your clothes. With them I have not had to use laundry detergent to wash my clothes and they leave them smelling and feeling fresher than laundry detergent ever did. It was one of those products I just had to try, and since they come with a 90-day money back guarantee, I figured why not. They clean my clothes so well it's hilarious! No regrets! They cost me $50 bucks I think. Take note that they only work in washing machines with metal walls on the interior bin, for the obvious reason.
What else, I've been bagpiping it up with 25 paid gigs or so already this year in Atlanta. I think I've done a gig every weekend for the past month and a half. It's been awesome!
So all this has happened while continuing to work 6 days a week as a tennis teaching pro at TPC Sugarloaf.
Videos & pics to come soon...
From the Bus, God bless...
~ Nate
Learn more about Chuck Norris here...
Obviously we have a lot of craziness going on in the country right now: Junky media coverage on candidates and a presidential election, bad economy, corruption, etc., etc. Enough about the bad things of this country, what about the good?
Well how about this, it has allowed a couple from Oregon to drive all around the country for eight months in their converted school bus rv without paying anything for fuel. (That is because this bus had been converted to run on Waste Vegetable Oil

As of now, I have officially lived in my bus in the back yard of a friend's house in Dunwoody, an area north of the perimeter of Atlanta, Georgia, for over a month and a half, and I'm loving every minute of it. I purchased the bus in July, I believe, and moved out of where I was living in Norcross at the end of August.

My roommate Marcus, David, me, and a co-worker friend, Zach
Lindsey, Gary, and I
During the time since my last blog to you a world of things have happened. I have had visits from my best Ohio next door neighbor, David Snow and my Irish friend, Gary Kilduff, who flew all the way out here from Dublin to see me. (Little did he know he would be sleeping in a bus! Thank God Amanda Deghenhardt, whose lot I am parked on, let him sleep inside for the time he was here.) I have also been working towards selling my first home on wheels and purchasing my first stationary home.
By the way, If anybody would like to purchase the famous, the one and only van that runs on advertisement income and has it's own website, the Crazy Train, Anna Supernova, FeedtheVan.com masterpiece for the low low price of only $3000 it is all yours to continue the amazing adventure in. She is guaranteed to please and comes complete with a toilet, sink, propane fridge & stovetop, bed, microwave, power outlets, grey & black water holding tanks, shag carpeted ceiling and much much more! Go to: FeedtheVan.com to see it and read all about it!
Okay, back to the story: So I am looking to purchase a home here in Atlanta. One that I plan on renting out, parking my bus on the lot, and living out of the bus. I have only a little bit of my college loan to pay off and I am completely debt free (minus what the house will cost!)
You all might be wondering just how this bus runs on WVO and how I get it for free, what it looks like on the inside, etc. Well, let me tell you, it's all awesome! I'll try and put up as many pics and videos as I can over the next few weeks. I have taken the bus all the way to Ohio without even filling up the entire way, then I drove it all around Columbus, including the Neil Diamond Concert with my Mom, David, and Lindsey (see pic below) until I finally had to fill it up 75 gallons at a local fast food restaurant (we won't say where), and that took the bus all the way back to Atlanta without another fill-up. I also drove it to Charlotte once without filling up the entire trip. The bus has two tanks, the diesel tank (50 gallons) and the veggie tank (110 gallons) plus reserve containers (50 gallons.) I start the bus cold on diesel, let it warm up a bit, then flip a couple of veggie therm switches to begin heating the veggie, open the hood and close/open a couple of valves and I am now running on Waste Vegetable Oil(a 2 minute process!) The only thing I have to pay for are WVO filters that cost about $10 bucks each and need to be replaced about every 500 miles.

Mom, David, & me in the Bus

Hanging out in the bus before the concert

You guessed it, Neil Diamond himself!
So this was how I dealt with the gas crisis and went a little greener. Other ways I have gone green are by using the following two products.
The first is Ethos, a fuel/oil additive that works to clean old engines and make them run like new again, improving gas mileage to its fullest and prolonging the life of your engine. I found the product online and decided to give it a try back in May or June. I have been using it the way the directions say ever since then in my Bimmer (which currently has 241000 miles) and have experienced a dramatic increase in gas mileage (15%) and power. It has ended up saving me a net $30 in gasoline per bottle. A 16 oz bottle costs about $30 and lasts for 160 gallons of fuel. It keeps new engines new and restores old engines. I have even started putting this stuff in my van and bus. (Due to lack of driving these vehicles I haven't been able to really improve their current state.) I like the stuff so much that I am now an authorized seller of it. So if you want a bottle, send me $33 bucks to cover the cost and shipping and I'll send you one!
If you found the first product slightly hard to believe, you may find the second a little harder. Another product I found online, the second product is Laundry Magnets. Basically it is two rubber coated, very powerful magnets that you put on opposite ends inside your washing machine. These magnets change the properties of water much like what detergents do in order to clean your clothes. With them I have not had to use laundry detergent to wash my clothes and they leave them smelling and feeling fresher than laundry detergent ever did. It was one of those products I just had to try, and since they come with a 90-day money back guarantee, I figured why not. They clean my clothes so well it's hilarious! No regrets! They cost me $50 bucks I think. Take note that they only work in washing machines with metal walls on the interior bin, for the obvious reason.
What else, I've been bagpiping it up with 25 paid gigs or so already this year in Atlanta. I think I've done a gig every weekend for the past month and a half. It's been awesome!
So all this has happened while continuing to work 6 days a week as a tennis teaching pro at TPC Sugarloaf.
Videos & pics to come soon...
From the Bus, God bless...
~ Nate