Hello again, I missed you
It has been entirely too long since I have written you, my friends. My focus got too large on the task at hand. I think I temporarily became what they call a "workaholic." Woah, I am so glad that I finally got out of that funk. I have a ton to catch you all up on, and vise versa I am sure, so let's get this shindig started again.
First off, let me catch you up briefly on my most current situation. Since I last wrote you I have moved twice. I moved my bus out of Amanda's back yard and into Jones RV Park on February 17th. I lived there a month & a week. It was awesome. It is an incredible experience to live next to carnies and across from old free spirits. Then I finally moved out of my portable living quarters and into an ex co-worker/friend's home five minutes from work. The bus went to the shop to have some minor work done, then temporary storage. This is where I live now, and where I sit in my (classily ;) furnished room on a blue easy chair with a candle burning, headphones on, a beer at my right. Now... I type.
Roots Search 2009 - Ireland, Part I
(transcribed hand-written notes from Delta Flight 176 - Dublin, Ireland to Atlanta, Georgia, May 5th, 2009)

Here I sit on a long flight back home from Ireland, a land I could only speculate to love for so long, but now can confirm as fact. It began with a ridiculous road trip south 7 1/2 hours from Atlanta to Orlando to pick up a flight out of there with my part Irish college friend Amber Kinneer. Since she lives there and tickets were cheaper flying from there, that is where we departed from. But wait, there is one layover... in of all places, Atlanta! No, they would not let me pick up the flight in ATL, so as ridiculous as it was, this was the case.
Fast forward to the good part - we are at the gate 1/2 hour from departure and I suddenly need to use the # one reliever. I swear we never heard a call until the "Last Call to Dublin" I heard over the loudspeaker while standing at the # one reliever. Amber was most likely going into panic mode so I knew I had to turn on the jets and get rolling. After arriving back at the gate in record time we had our tickets scanned. "Beep, beep, be-beep beep!" the scanner screamed at Amber's, then my ticket.

An end note: I can now assure you from enough ups and downs, you can experience a flow of energy infinitely strong... or you can experience a hurt that can overcome you, depending on what you dwell on. Whatever you do focus on will compound upon itself the more you think on it. So, "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8
There's a light at the end of this tunnel for you, and when you get there you will find me, swinging the world by the tail, bouncing over a white cloud, killing the blues :)
~ Nate
Love it Nate! Missing your positive presence more and more now. Love the music. Jordan wants to see you if you ever get up this way.
You got me hanging on the edge of my seat waiting to hear more about the trip. I'm sure you'll write more later?
awesome as usual! nice writing, nate. look forward to reading more! :)
Glad you had a good time! It looks beautiful from your pics. Dustin and I can't wait to go over! :)
Hah, I want some of your luck of the Irish.
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