Those that have ears to hear... - Unique MySpace Generators
... the truth is out there for those who can hear it.

Hear this, the tennis part of the Journey America Tour is coming to an end. I am two weeks from traveling back east in my van for one grand fanale of a journey home... and boy do I miss my home. I miss my Mom, I miss my family, I miss those who miss me. I have made my mistakes on this journey... I have had my ups and downs, but most of all, I was able to make a difference in this free land we call the United States of America. It was a reason to live another day...
So now I am here in southern California still. I am skipping the Irvine tournament to make sure I am ready for one final go-round in Laguna Niguel next weekend. From there it is:
Prescott, Arizona to visit my oldest brother Luke and his family
Joplin, Missouri to stay the night at the bed & breakfast I stayed in in July
St. Louis, Missouri to see my tour buddy Lance
Columbus, Ohio to see my Dad
Groveport, Ohio to see my Mom
Charlotte, North Carolina - my final destination (estimated arrival: October 7th)
Journey America 2007 has been a shoestring survived Journey with many stories. It has shown me what the bare necessities in life really are. It has shown me what is meaningful and what is not. It has broadened my horizons. It has given me a way to meet and keep in touch with so many people. It has helped me to see what I've been put here to accomplish... and what I have not been put here to accomplish. It has given me a way to lift the spirits of those who may read my blog and to give them a deeper understanding as to who I really am.
I have been unable to make a connection here with the girl I so much wanted to see in San Diego. I won't give her name or the reason why, but I will say it broke my heart... still not giving up on that... it wouldn't be the first time my heart has been broken. One day, yes one day, I will be a jolly man married to that woman of my dreams, but not yet, not yet... hopefully sooner rather than later...
Let me tell you all a little bit about what my dream is, God willing...
My dream is to someday own a good bit of land on a beautiful countryside (or maybe mountainside) somewhere on God's green earth wherever He takes me. On this land I will have a beautiful wife, at least three children, and someday grandchildren. I will probably build a tennis court there and teach my kids to play (if they want to.) I will have many cows, roosters, sheep, dogs, cats, and hummingbirds. All will roam freely throughout the land. I will look forward to rising early every morning to feed the sheep and milk the cows. In this time I will be able to see the sunrise and feel the presence of the Lord and what he has given all around me... it will take over me... I will then take out my bagpipes and play a morning tune to wake up the family and animals, and will help my wife to make the morning breakfast for the family. I hope my wife is willing to host many parties, so that people can come from all around to eat, drink, and have a great time together.
This is my dream. Journey America was a part of it...
I love you all so much.
"I believe in Kingdom come, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." U2
~ Nathan
P.S. The Journey America 2008 plan is in the works...
Hey Nate!
It looks and sounds like it has been a helluva journey. I have really enjoyed following your piping adventures as you have travel across this great nation!
I hope your journey ends on a very positive note and we get the chance to hook up and play the pipes together again!
Keep piping!!
i was one of the fellows who came up to you while you were playing by the fountain near huntington beach. I just wanted to encourage you in what you're doing and if its what you love, then never stop. good luck to ya in your journeys.
G-d Bless,
Colin Glasgow
Your first paragraph-ish of this is exactly how I envision writing my last blog before I come home from Korea. The ups and downs, but over all life changing experience.
“It has given me a way to lift the spirits of those who may read my blog and to give them a deeper understanding as to who I really am. “ This part of the blog has not only lifted me up, but inspired me. Also, I have learned many more interesting things about you! You are awesome!
”I have been unable to make a connection here with the girl I so much wanted to see in San Diego…still not giving up on that... One day, yes one day, I will be a jolly man married to that woman of my dreams,…” Someday Nate, someday…But remember, just because you have had your heart broken, doesn’t mean you can go breaking hearts. And if you must, sooner is always better than later.
And the story about your "dream of your future" is cool. I mean what I got from it, is that you are a simple man and want to enjoy the simple pleasures in life God provided and do not want to be disturbed by the hustle and bustle of main stream, often corrupted society. That’s respectable.
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