It's Gone... They're Gone... and I'm Gone!

It's Gone
One could say it is the end of an era for this Mann. 5 1/2 years of long hair, ever since my Freshman year of college, and it all has been lopped off at the local Supercuts.
It was an era which begun with the rebellious start to living on my own. A freshman in college, ladies were telling me all the time to cut my hair as it was relatively long when I came in. I was tired of hearing the complaints, so I went in the bathroom with my roommate's hair buzzer and came out with a buzzed head. The ladies didn't like that either. That was when I decided, 'Fine, they're never gonna be happy anyway... I'll show them.' And I never cut it again through my four years of college. Not until my Senior year did I have some more complaining ladies lop off 12 inches of hair (which went to Locks of Love, right Andrea?) but it was still long enough to pull back into a ponytail.
Let me digress and talk about these days of my life with long hair. Never did a day go by where I didn't feel free. When the wind was blowing and my hair smacked me in the face... I loved that. That was my reminder that I had to look good for nobody, only enjoy being alive and free. During these days I matured quite a bit. I began to play the bagpipes during this era. The pipes have yet to be played by a short haired Nate Mann. That will all change soon.
So it was an end of quite an era... all the friends I met during this time... all the adventures I embarked on... It was a rebellious era, but a very sweet one at that.
They're Gone
The two ladies in the picture with me are the very culprits behind the haircut. Lauren is on the left and Lindsey on the right. I met them both when they were Freshmen at Queens and here they are graduating... walking the line on Saturday. I regretfully will be unable to attend as I will be in Florida for tournaments. These are two very classy ladies. I will miss you L Sistas!
I'm Gone!
I'm off to Florida tomorrow in my '87 BMW Convertible to play in two satellite tournaments and the USTA National Claycourt Tournament. I have housing in all three locations, so the van will sit in Charlotte for the month. I will be back in Charlotte around May 25th. I will then be switching vehicles and and driving the van out to California to compete in the National Hardcourt Tournament and two more satellites. I will then be flying back July 2nd, leaving the van in California for the Summer and playing the Midwest satellites, visiting my family in Ohio, and playing a couple Wedding gigs in July. I will fly back to California on September 2nd and play in the group of satellites in southern Cal before driving Anna Supernova back to Charlotte.
To all who hated my hair: You're welcome
To all who liked my hair: I'm sorry, but eras come and go
To all who still don't like my hair: I don't really like your hair either
To all who couldn't care less: I don't care about you either
For every end of an era there's a new one and for those who don't care, well I don't care about you.
That's my story.
Signing off...
~ Nate
Pretty silly...
The haircut is a big improvement, brotha.
When will you be in Ohio? Email me so that we can plan to be in town.
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